I think someone once said the best life to live is one with no regrets. Be positive that every decision that you made is some stepping stone to where you will end up in life; it's part of your destiny. etcetera.
i pretty much regret my whole college experience. I'm pretty sure I haven't really made an impact on anyone. I should have gone to GMU, saved my family a bundle of money because I also had gotten a scholarship. I could have double majored in Graphic Design & Communications. I could actually be happy instead of confused as hell.
I should have known from the moment I got into UVa. Everything that I expected and hoped for didn't happen. That's why I LIVE by Jonathan Swift's quote: "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed."
The very first thing that went wrong is I got the worst housing possible. I didn't get the first year dorms, I will never ever say that I had the first year experience. Because I lived so far away, I made no close friendships. For the first time in my life, I took to just being alone as my only option. I never counted on anyone. It was definitely an enlightening experience.
I was looking forward to being on the dance team soooo much; Neha hyped me up for it. But I didn't make Sharaara (the dance team). That was embarassing and they made it tenfolds worse by sending me this rejection letter that told me everything I did wrong!!!
I didn't get to participate in India Day. However, I did get to dance at Kennedy Center. So that one's ok.
Blehhhhh...don't know anymore....
P.S. Don't be alarmed. The point of this is to complain. If I was too busy being happy why the heck would I write in this?
The Mantra of Mass Misery
4 days ago
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