Never be in an organization with your good friends. Of course you should be courteous and get along with the other officers, but never become really good friends. Because it makes it complicated when they undermine your authority. I am the leader of an organization and they may not acknowledge or unfortunately don't realize it, but I me Sruti do most of the dirty behind-the-scenes work. It is frustrating when they undermine my authority at meetings. When I am going down my agenda, certain people jump in about something that I was going to get to but they didn't give me a chance. I told them this "Yes that is important and I was going to get to that, but wait we need to resolve this other stuff first". They gave me an angry tone of voice/look after that. But I am the leader and they just have to respect that. The only problem is how do I word it delicately without someone getting upset? argh.
I am a modest person. I don't like talking about my accomplishments sometimes because it sounds like I'm bragging or something. The way I talk sometimes is kind of self-deprecating.. But I guess I should brag a little because otherwise people don't seem to respect me, even my friends.
It's kind of annoying when people think they can do a better job than you at something when you have seen them do it before and they did a shoddy job. For example, we had a religious ceremony and an alumni came and helped us perform it. Now, someone else organized it (of course on my coaxing and giving all the contact info) and by the way did a crappy job. Because at the event itself I was racing around making sure all the materials were there. And 10 minutes before to my unbelieving eyes, they are sorting all the papers to pass out!! I wanted to see what this person's capabilities were and needless-to-say I was kind of disappointed.
Also, I am a co-leader (supposedly) but I do most of the work!!!! And why does my co-president refuse to see it??? argh argh argh.
The Mantra of Mass Misery
4 days ago
Welcome to the real world.
You're learning the rules of this world slowly. Just bear in mind to make a sound leader there should be sound supports. The second part is lacking.
Next when ppl challenge that they can do a better job, just hand it over to them and be a guest to that function. Do it 3-4times. Things will surely calm down and ppl will get back 2 there sense.
tenali what do u mean by sound supports? do u mean people don't support me, b/c i can't make them do that....but confidence in myself is another issue.
If you are the boss/president/chairman etc means you are essentially managing an organization. It can be corporate, cultural whatever, the idea is there is some kind of heirarchy and sure when everyone is a peer then it need not be conformed to the strictest level. But it is in effect a corporate world. So when you decide to stand up to head such a group of folks, the success is in how you manage it.
A good manager is one who knows how to divide tasks amongst the workers.
Manager should never ever do the dirty work. He gets paid to use his brains, and for being on the top.
Translate that to a non-profit situation like yours and it still works. Learn to delegate and to delegate nicely.
Hope that helps.
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