Friday, September 02, 2005

September 2, 2005- The Red Tent

Hmmm...1.5 weeks since classes started. Going alright, as usual days going fast. But you see I came early because I had to get advisor training. None of my roomies were here so I had the whole apartment to myself. I borrowed an "International Bestseller" The Red Tent and ooooh couldn't put it down. What a dramatic twist in the second half. Totally unexpected. From a big, happy family to one person...estranged. I don't get it one stupid mistake and you're never supposed to talk to them again. Stupid traditions and only marrying within your race, culture, etc... I definitely recommend it though. Makes you think.

On a totally different note, I watched the 40 year-old virgin. Oh dear. Funny but as usual crude funny. feel good though that he married and was clean. perhaps he can be an inspiration:-P.

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