Why does it consume us when we cannot find something? We know it could not have gone anywhere and it is right under your nose, but we just cannot locate it. It drives us mad, even if it is something that is cheap. Yet we are hypocrites - when others lose something we want to laugh at their insanity and obsession of finding it.
For instance, my sister and I went to a dance performance. My sister dropped her pedometer and it went into the row in front of us. For the next four dances that was all she could think about and she was panicking because it was part of a grade at school. I thought she was being silly because it could not have left the auditorium. We did find it and she stressed needlessly.
However right now I am stuck in the same situation. I went home for winter break thinking I forgot my extra contacts in my dorm. Now they are not in my dorm anywhere. I looked everywhere that I could have placed it. I must have taken them. I swear they are not anywhere at home either! I cleaned all the bathroom drawers at home and they were not in there. Are they in my room somewhere? but where??
Possibly the annoying thing is it is too late to call home and ask them to check. Now that is all I can think about until I find them. Boooooooo.
I know I did not throw them away, but I wish I could find them. Dagnabit. Morning come soon so I can call homeeee
The Mantra of Mass Misery
3 days ago